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Megan Babcock

Lead Transformation Coach in Clarity & Leadership


Elissa Swihart

Transformation Coach Relationships & Domestic Abuse


Rhea Joy

Transformation Coach Relationships & Boundary Setting


Hannah Chijioke-Davis

Transformation Coach Holistic Wellness, Grief & Loss


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Accepting Reality and Using It as a Foundation for Growth Oct 21, 2024

Life often unfolds in ways we never anticipated. There are moments of joy and triumph, but there are also times of loss, disappointment, and betrayal that challenge our sense of security and identity. It’s easy to get caught up in the pain,...

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Building Your Personal Leadership Style for Every Aspect of Life empowerment leadership self care women Oct 14, 2024

Leadership isn’t just about excelling in a professional role—it’s about showing up as a leader in every aspect of your life, whether you’re guiding your family, contributing to your community, or inspiring your friends....

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Cultivating Confidence and Resilience in Every Season confidence empowerment self-empowerment Oct 07, 2024

Life is full of seasons times of growth, challenge, joy, and even hardship. Each phase comes with its unique set of experiences that can either shake our confidence or strengthen it, depending on how we respond. But what if, instead of being...

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Unlocking Your Inner Strength and Transform Your Life empowerment life self-control Oct 01, 2024

Life can be a challenging journey, often filled with twists and turns that test our resolve. At times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, disheartened, or even powerless. But the truth is, within each of us lies an incredible reservoir of...

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Understanding Self-Control goals life mindsets self-control self-discipline Sep 23, 2024

Self-control is a critical factor in achieving personal and professional goals. It’s the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the face of temptations and impulses. While willpower is often cited as a key to success,...

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The Rise of Perfectionism: Understanding the Harm It’s Doing to Us All challenges health perfection physical health Sep 16, 2024

In today’s hyper-connected world, where social media and societal pressures heighten the drive to appear flawless, perfectionism is increasingly prevalent. Although striving for excellence can be inspiring, the quest for perfection often...

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Is Your Mindset Working for You? Discover If It’s Time for a Transformation mindsets personal growth unlock your potential Sep 09, 2024

Your mindset is the lens through which you view and interact with the world, influencing your decisions, relationships, and overall well-being. It shapes your perspective on the world, your approach to challenges, and your path to success. But...

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How Your Beliefs Impact Your Well-Being challenges life mental health mindsets well-being Sep 02, 2024

In life, our perceptions often shape our reality. How we view ourselves, others, and the world around us significantly influences the outcomes we experience. This concept, deeply rooted in psychological research, is known as a "mindset."...

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Embracing Emotions: The Key to Stronger Connections and Healthier Relationships connection elissa swihart emotional regulation healthy relationships megan babcock Aug 05, 2024

 "Feel it. The thing you don't want to feel. Feel it. And be free.” –Nayyirah Waheed

Imagine being in a cozy coffee shop. People around you chat softly, and cups clink as you sit across from someone you've recently met and...

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Navigating Divorce as a Christian christianity divorce elissa swihart megan babcock Jul 29, 2024

For many Christians, marriage is a sacred promise not just between two people but also with God. This belief can make the decision to divorce feel like a big failure or even a sin. Many Christians struggle with intense feelings of guilt, thinking...

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