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Megan Babcock

Lead Transformation Coach in Clarity & Leadership


Elissa Swihart

Transformation Coach Relationships & Domestic Abuse


Rhea Joy

Transformation Coach Relationships & Boundary Setting


Hannah Chijioke-Davis

Transformation Coach Holistic Wellness, Grief & Loss


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Exploring Dreams: Your Path to Discovering Yourself Dec 28, 2023

As the holiday season twinkles around us and a new year peek over the horizon, it's a perfect time to slow down and think. Have you ever wondered about your dreams? They're not just weird stories from sleep or daydreams. They might be trying to...

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Unmasking the Grinch Within: How Abusive Partners Seek to Ruin Your Holidays elissa swihart guided mindfulness holiday stress survivorship Dec 16, 2023

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for those navigating their own personal Grinch of an abusive relationship, the festivities can become a battleground for control and manipulation.


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10 Tips to Decrease Stress this Holiday Season boundaries elissa swihart guided mindfulness holiday stress rhea joy self care Dec 04, 2023

Have you ever gone through the holiday season feeling like you were going to explode? Ever felt like screaming or running away, or boycotting the holiday season altogether because the stress is just too much to handle? Perhaps you've found...

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Navigating Difficult Feelings During the Holidays: A Simple Guide elissa swihart guided mindfulness hannah chijioke-davis healing holidays loss & grief Nov 27, 2023

The holiday season can be tough if you're feeling sad or dealing with grief. Hi there, I'm Coach Hannah, and I'm going to share some simple ways to navigate difficult emotions during this time of year.

I remember our first holiday season after...

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Navigating Life's Challenges with Thanks elissa swihart gratitude guided mindfulness megan babcock Nov 20, 2023

Life is this big adventure that keeps changing. Sometimes, it brings incredible moments, like good times with friends or exciting surprises. But other times, it throws tough stuff at us, like when things don't go as planned or when we face...

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Taking Charge of Your Story: Choosing Growth and Purpose 20 week transformation elissa swihart guided mindfulness megan babcock self-empowerment unlock your potential Nov 13, 2023

Life is like a storybook, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes, it might feel like things are happening to us, and we're just along for the ride. But what if I told you that you have the power to shape your own story? This blog...

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Transforming Survivor Guilt elissa swihart generational trauma guided mindfulness loss & grief meditation survival guilt survivorship Nov 06, 2023

It's a crisp 45-degree weekend in early November, the sun is shining through the few multicolored leaves that are still hanging on the trees, and pumpkins decorate your neighbors' porches. Normally you'd feel the collective excitement in the air...

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Coping with Complex Emotions and Supporting Those Who Carry the Weight of Loss and Grief elissa swihart hannah chijioke-davis loss & grief mindfulness navigating difficult emotions pregnancy loss Oct 23, 2023

It is the worst of circumstances, one that we as midwives and nurses, try our hardest to foresee and prevent. You are discharging a mama and family after walking them through a fetal loss and as you bring them out into the hallway on the way down...

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Breaking Free from the Shadows: Confronting Self-Deception and Embracing Truth elissa swihart limiting beliefs megan babcock mindfulness Oct 16, 2023

Imagine walking through a dense forest with no clear path, guided only by a map you've drawn yourself. Unbeknownst to you, the map is full of inaccuracies, misdirection, and outright fabrications. You continue to trust this map, convincing...

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How God's Grace and Boundaries Saved Our Marriage boundaries effective communication love language podcast episodes rhea joy Oct 13, 2023

Have you ever been overwhelmed and at the end of a relationship, wondering if there was any way forward? Have you felt so hopeless and done that you wanted to leave, or even experienced suicidal ideation? You are not alone, and this episode could...

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