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Megan Babcock

Lead Transformation Coach in Clarity & Leadership


Elissa Swihart

Transformation Coach Relationships & Domestic Abuse


Rhea Joy

Transformation Coach Relationships & Boundary Setting


Hannah Chijioke-Davis

Transformation Coach Holistic Wellness, Grief & Loss


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Supporting a Loved One Through the Cycle of Abuse: A Support Person's Perspective abuse community & support cycle of abuse elissa swihart Apr 29, 2024

As a support person to someone experiencing domestic violence, the journey can be incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing. Witnessing a loved one go through the cycle of abuse can evoke a range of emotions and experiences, impacting not only...

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Stop Limiting Your Life: 8 Steps to Unleashing the Untapped Power of Your Thoughts and Shaping Your Future elissa swihart limiting beliefs megan babcock mindfulness resilince setting intentions visualization Apr 22, 2024

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment requires embracing the power within. In this transformative process, we tap into our innate potential, shift from limitation to possibility, and shape our destinies according to our deepest...

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Embrace the Journey: Navigating Life's Storms and Finding Inner Peace elissa swihart inner peace megan babcock personal growth self-discovery self-examination Apr 15, 2024

In the tumultuous journey of life, there are moments when the weight of the world seems unbearable, when the whispers of doubt and fear echo loudly in the corridors of our minds. It's during these times that we need a guiding light, a beacon of...

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Navigating Life's Challenges and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Journey of Faith and Growth elissa swihart faith hannah chijioke-davis mindfulness personal growth Apr 08, 2024

“Emily stood outside of her lawyer’s office, holding the signed divorce papers. It had been a long and difficult 13 months - separating, mediating, and finalizing the divorce proceedings from her husband of nine years, Michael. Tears...

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Navigating Life After Domestic Violence: Understanding the Impact of CPTSD complex ptsd cptsd domestic violence domestic violence awareness elissa swihart ptsd Apr 02, 2024

Survivors of domestic violence are incredibly resilient individuals who have shown immense courage by breaking free from their abusive situations. However, the journey to recovery doesn't end once they escape their abuser. In fact, for many...

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The Link Between Anxiety and Chronic Pain anxiety chronic pain elissa swihart fear avoidance megan babcock Mar 18, 2024

Chronic pain is a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide, with its impact extending far beyond physical discomfort. According to the CDC, in 2019 alone, 20.4% of adults experienced chronic pain, and 7.4% reported that it frequently limited...

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Defying the Odds: How People Achieve the 'Impossible' achievements defying the odds elissa swihart resilince Mar 11, 2024

When life delivers its harshest blows—the loss of a loved one, the aftermath of a natural disaster, the weight of a global crisis, or any other difficulty—it's a test that rattles us to our core. Tragedy strikes unexpectedly,...

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ARISE: Breaking Free from the Chains of Abuse Through Self-Compassion abuse elissa swihart self-compassion Mar 04, 2024

When I left abuse, I felt like a feral animal – terrified of the world, trapped in a corner, with full-body shakes as a constant companion. Life seemed like an insurmountable challenge, and I struggled to find my footing in a seemingly...

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Measuring Progress for Personal & Professional Fulfillment with Emotional Regulation elissa swihart emotional regulation guided mindfulness hannah chijioke-davis magan babcock personal growth purpose self-assessment well-being Feb 29, 2024

As we come to the end of February, let's take a moment to check in on our progress toward our 2024 goals. We understand that navigating change and striving for success can sometimes feel like a winding path with unexpected twists and turns. This...

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Embrace Lasting Change: A 12-Week Year Approach to Creating New Habits and Healthy Life Choices . elissa swihart hannah chijioke-davis identity & self-discovery personal growth transformation skills unlock your potential Feb 19, 2024

Hey there, friends!


We are well into the new year, and if you’re like many, back in January you were invigorated to make positive changes and hoped to make this year a great year with positive impact for your life! The beginning of...

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