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Megan Babcock

Lead Transformation Coach in Clarity & Leadership


Elissa Swihart

Transformation Coach Relationships & Domestic Abuse


Rhea Joy

Transformation Coach Relationships & Boundary Setting


Hannah Chijioke-Davis

Transformation Coach Holistic Wellness, Grief & Loss


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Harnessing the Power of Thoughts and Body Signals for Better Self-Care balance thoughts elissa swihart hannah chijioke-davis megan babcock relaxation self care stress Jul 22, 2024

Did you know that the way we think and listen to our bodies can make a big difference in our lives? It's true! Our thoughts and our bodies' signals have a lot of power.

They can help us feel happy and healthy or make things challenging....

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Helping Faith Communities Prevent and Respond to Abuse abuse elissa swihart faith faith community megan babcock Jul 16, 2024

The Bible tells many stories of trauma and suffering, showing that trauma is a big part of the Christian faith. From the very beginning, the Bible talks about different kinds of trauma: Adam and Eve's separation from God (Genesis 3), Cain killing...

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Let's Help Each Other Grow! community & support elissa swihart friendship megan babcock relationships Jun 24, 2024

Friendship is super important in life. When we have good friends, it makes our days better. They're there for us when we feel lonely or sad and help us reach our goals. Let's talk about why friendship can make our lives better:

What Makes...

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Writing to Help You Heal elissa swihart healing journaling megan babcock self-examination writing to heal Jun 17, 2024

Do you ever feel like life's puzzles are too confusing to solve? Or like you're carrying a heavy load of worries and sadness? Writing might be the key to unlocking your feelings and finding some peace. Let's explore how writing can help us heal...

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Going Deeper to Find What's Holding You Back elissa swihart letting go megan babcock personal growth surrender Jun 10, 2024

Our past experiences can profoundly impact our present circumstances, often without realizing it. These influences don't always have to be dramatic or easily remembered. Sometimes, they're subtle occurrences or remarks we may not even consciously...

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How to Deal with Sad Feelings elissa swihart grief megan babcock sadness self-care May 29, 2024

Grief and sadness often feel like heavy clouds hanging over our hearts when we experience a significant loss. It's as if there's a deep ache within us, and no matter what we do, it's tough to shake off the weight of sorrow. While grief is commonly...

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The Power of Surrender: Transforming Pain into Strength and Purpose elissa swihart empowerment megan babcock self-love surrender transforming pain May 06, 2024

"In the midst of pain, there's often a divine invitation to surrender." This quote reminds us that pain is not merely an obstacle to overcome but a sacred opportunity for transformation. When we find ourselves grappling with pain and adversity, it...

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Stop Limiting Your Life: 8 Steps to Unleashing the Untapped Power of Your Thoughts and Shaping Your Future elissa swihart limiting beliefs megan babcock mindfulness resilince setting intentions visualization Apr 22, 2024

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment requires embracing the power within. In this transformative process, we tap into our innate potential, shift from limitation to possibility, and shape our destinies according to our deepest...

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Embrace the Journey: Navigating Life's Storms and Finding Inner Peace elissa swihart inner peace megan babcock personal growth self-discovery self-examination Apr 15, 2024

In the tumultuous journey of life, there are moments when the weight of the world seems unbearable, when the whispers of doubt and fear echo loudly in the corridors of our minds. It's during these times that we need a guiding light, a beacon of...

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The Link Between Anxiety and Chronic Pain anxiety chronic pain elissa swihart fear avoidance megan babcock Mar 18, 2024

Chronic pain is a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide, with its impact extending far beyond physical discomfort. According to the CDC, in 2019 alone, 20.4% of adults experienced chronic pain, and 7.4% reported that it frequently limited...

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