Episode 27 - How My Trauma Turned Into Joy - Part 3

My Story of Survival, Healing & Breaking The Cycle. Megan, a trauma survivor, opens up about transforming her life and recovering from the past to inspire others who are struggling.

She shares an encouraging message of strength, resilience, and hope - overcoming even the most difficult situations and creating a beautiful, fulfilling life is possible.

My Mission...is to help you move through your purpose as it shifts and expands. By equipping you with the tools and resources to always cycle through curiosity, community, and compassion, you’ll feel confident being the architect of your story. You’ll be saying: I feel liberated to carve my own path and confident enough to see myself through change. It feels good to truly express my feelings without feeling shame. I feel grounded and present in the space I’m in.

I love that I can lean on my community in tough times and know it will be okay. My worth is not tied to success and failure. It’s okay for both to happen, and know I still matter. Healed people heal, heal people. I unknowingly passed down wounds when I wasn’t doing my work. But when I began to heal, my legacy began to change. I could finally achieve my childhood dream of being the helper I envisioned I would be. I set into motion healing in the lives of those around me. And, to heal, you have to meet people who get it because they’ve been through it and are now willing to share their stories. The power of sharing your story and letting others be there with you is so vital because we’re social creatures. We need and seek connection.


Connect with today’s host Megan Babcock, Founder and Lead Coach at It’s Your Story to Tell.

Her mission is to empower individuals in discovering their authentic selves and life purpose through exploration, providing tools and guidance to foster curiosity, connection, and kindness, enabling them to gain clarity and confidently shape their unique narratives and chart their personal journeys.

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