Episode 51 - Building a Alcohol-Free Lifestyle with Megan Babcock and Chrystal Cuellar

In this episode, Crystal shares her journey from binge drinking to a sober lifestyle and
discovering a life of freedom and purpose. She emphasizes the importance of finding support
and community, as well as reframing thoughts and beliefs. Crystal offers a membership and
one-on-one coaching to help women navigate an alcohol-free lifestyle and build a strong
foundation in Christ. By taking thoughts captive and addressing root causes, individuals can
experience healing and create a new, fulfilling life. Crystal's story serves as an inspiration for
those seeking change and transformation.

Connect to Chrystal Cuellar

I'm an alcohol free coach on a mission to empower Christian women to embrace sobriety and unlock
their true purpose. Having triumphed over my own battles with binge drinking, God has led me to
help others find freedom too. I've been alcohol free for over 5 years now.

To rewind back to what happened during the process and what led me to where I’m now, is realizing that I was using alcohol to cope during my last relationship. In my last relationship he really struggled with addiction, and I didn't know how to navigate it, so I drank when we argued, or when I felt like I didn't know what to do. During this relationship is when I truly found Christ and the Holy Spirit started pressing on my heart to end that relationship and to ditch the booze. After finally getting to the point where I could no longer be in the relationship, I finally ended it. That's truly when my drinking started to escalate because I had left a relationship of over 10 years and I realized once again I didn't know how to handle my emotions, triggers or how to navigate life in hard times without reaching for alcohol.
After a night of binge drinking, feeling anxiety and depression, I KNEW I needed to stop drinking or I
would become a full-blown alcoholic.

So, at that moment I hired a sober coach, reached out to my church at the time and basically just covered my bases when it came to accountability and mentorship. What I was doing wasn't working, and being a coach already (in health and wellness) I knew how transformative mentorship and coaching would be, especially adding the power of God. From that point on is when God led me to transition into alcohol free coaching. At this point I've helped hundreds of women through social media, my mentorships and group programs.

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chrystal.cuellar?_t=8khrjcLBQqs&_r=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrystalcuellar?igsh=MWJ5a2p2bjlhYW9uMQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

More about Megan Babcock: https://www.itsyourstorytotell.com/coach-megan-babcock

Megan is a Clarity and Strategy Coach and Founder of It's Your Story to Tell for life coaching and Next Level Business for business and entrepreneur coaching. As the visionary behind the It's Your Story to Tell Community, Coach Collective, and Podcast, these platforms are dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace their unique narratives and shape compelling life stories. With empathy, strategic insight, and practical guidance, Megan leads her clients toward clarity, purpose, and actionable steps to achieve their goals. At Nxt Level Business, the mission is clear: to impact the business landscape profoundly and positively. Megan and her team accomplish this by empowering companies to thrive through expert guidance and strategic support.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachmeganbabcock/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachmeganbabcock

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