$149.95 USD


Book Study Course: She’s Still There Rescuing the Girl in You

Sparking Curiosity About Your Own Life


Book - She’s Still There by Chrystal Evans Hurst

Order your copy of "She's Still There" here

A few missteps don’t mean the path ahead is the wrong one or that you can’t find your way back. Get inspired by Chrystal Evans Hurst’s anecdotes of unexpected challenges that far too many women can relate to.

This book study is for you if you’re a spiritual woman and feel detached from reality, like you’ve put your plans on hold for too long, or need a community of like-minded people who understand the challenges women face on a regular basis. 

The intention is that you recognize cycles and patterns within your own life that are holding you back, learn to process them, plan, and implement changes that get you back to YOU. 

Each week, we’ll take a deep dive into what it looks like to take a really long look at your life as we work through each module. 

You’ll Learn How To:

  • Fight for your life
  • Look at your life
  • Embrace your life
  • Develop your life
  • Encourage your life
  • Choose your life

What do I get in this course?

 Over 10 impactful training videos you can watch at your own pace. 

Comprehensive worksheets with weekly homework and detailed mindset exercises, emotional awareness & regulation, journaling prompts, affirmations, and more.

Access to the Transformation Community!

Bonus materials!

Finish the study feeling enlightened about your own journey and the possibility that lies ahead.

**Please note books must be purchased separately. Visit the following links to order online.**

Order your copy of "She's Still There" here