Viewing Vulnerability as Strength
Book - Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Order your copy of "Daring Greatly" here
How does someone act with courage? Feel empowered by Brene Brown as she dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage.
This book study is for you if you like to dig into the psychology of human behavior and why you may be reluctant to be vulnerable.
The intention is that you build self-awareness around why you or people in your life struggle to be vulnerable and that you work towards opening yourself up to be seen.
With virtual self-paced videos delivered to your inbox weekly, we’ll take a deep dive into the benefits of being vulnerable and how you can take practical and small steps to share.
You’ll Learn How To:
- Embrace vulnerability and live courageously
- Learn to develop connection and belonging
- Change your belief you are not enough and improve your self-worth
- Strategies to combat shame and build shame resilience
- Close the value gap between aspiration and how we live
- A willingness to be uncomfortable, wrong, and fail is essential for a meaningful life
What do I get in this course?
✓ Over 10 inspiring training videos you can watch at your own pace.
✓ Comprehensive worksheets with weekly homework and detailed mindset exercises, emotional awareness & regulation, journaling prompts, affirmations, and more.
✓ Access to the Transformation Community!
✓ Bonus materials!
Finish the study by feeling honest with yourself and gaining the courage to be vulnerable.
**Please note books must be purchased separately. Visit the following links to order online.**
Order your copy of "Daring Greatly" here